a history of workouts

Workout - January 2024


This is the current workout plan i'm following, with the aim of achieving a strict one arm push up, a handstand push up and a tuck planche.

T-Nation - Strict One Arm Push Up

Workout Plan

The following workout should fit into four days, with two days of rest in between. The goal is to reach the amount of repetitions denoted in the corresponding column.

Note to myself: Another helpful progression may be the "frogstand to handstand".
Day Sets Exercise Repetitions
1 5 Towel Pull Ups A - 10
    Hanging Leg Raise B - 10
    Planche Lean C - 5
2 Pause
3 3 Tuck Planche A - 5x10s
    Straddle One Arm Push Up B - 10
    Neg. Handstand Push Up C - 5
4 Pause

Rest Days

On rest days, i try to do some light cardio workout, mostly walking or jogging a couple of miles. More often than not, i try to do some handstand push ups or tuck planches on rest days as well. It's fun and helps in mastering the exercises.

Workout Log

Written in Workout History - 01.01.2024